Tuesday, 30 March 2021

New from Don Troiani

 Battalion Soldier of the 35th Regiment of Foot c 1755-1757. They formed part of the garrison of Fort William Henry during the famous siege at Lake George. Watercolor and Gouache on Bristol board. Prints available from:  https://www.wbritain.com/the-art-of-don-troiani

Sunday, 21 March 2021

Monday, 15 March 2021

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

From Crann Tara


I received the metal masters of the last set of sculpts Richard did for me.

One set is General Montcalm both mounted and dismounted - I have decided that all the sales from this set will be given to his widow Coral. It may not be a lot but I feel it is the least I can do and as this was the last personality he sculpted then it would be good if the figures were a recognition of his work.

They will be in the shop tomorrow £7.50 a set

an obituary by Two Fat Lardies here

Monday, 1 March 2021

Hounslow Military Spectacular 2002 French and Indian war (UK)

 This is old  but I just saw it for the first time yesterday. One of my last events. I am doing the commentary but other than that it wasn't anything to do with me. 

History Captives - Full Documentary

 Documentary on captive stories.