Battalion Soldier of the 35th Regiment of Foot c 1755-1757. They formed part of the garrison of Fort William Henry during the famous siege at Lake George. Watercolor and Gouache on Bristol board. Prints available from:
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Sunday, 21 March 2021
Monday, 15 March 2021
New York Provincial by Fort Ticonderoga
Park Film, "Another Such Victory"
Guilford Courthouse 1781 documentary
Note that this film does contain fictionalized depictions of blood, theatrical violence, and surgery. Check out our park film, "Another Such Victory," for a summary of the battle and an overview of the events on March 15th, 1781. For a visual description of the film, check out our website:
Saturday, 13 March 2021
New from Galloping Major (28mm)
GM have released images of new figures in winter clothing like these Miliciens. See more at the webpage
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Thanks to Thomas Payton for this
Denis Dighton (1792-1827)
"The North American Indian Warriors, from Lake Erie, of the Tribe of Seneca, who were in London in 1818. Beaver, I like her, Two Guns, Steep Back, Black Squirrel, Long Horns and Little Bear"
Wednesday, 3 March 2021
From Crann Tara
I received the metal masters of the last set of sculpts Richard did for me.
One set is General Montcalm both mounted and dismounted - I have decided that all the sales from this set will be given to his widow Coral. It may not be a lot but I feel it is the least I can do and as this was the last personality he sculpted then it would be good if the figures were a recognition of his work.
They will be in the shop tomorrow £7.50 a set
an obituary by Two Fat Lardies here
Monday, 1 March 2021
Hounslow Military Spectacular 2002 French and Indian war (UK)
This is old but I just saw it for the first time yesterday. One of my last events. I am doing the commentary but other than that it wasn't anything to do with me.
This is the first stage of an excellent project. This is the corner tower of a recreation of the fort in the movie Drums Along the Mohawk...
It's not easy photographing smaller figures but Richard has done an excellent job. These miniatures are excellent. He says 'The...
We've got an early Christmas present for everyone this weekend, with another batch of fantastic Clib sculpts for our American War of I...