Monday, 19 April 2021

Recruiting Now!

 Wanted 18 Good Men  

 For Service in Colonel Munro’s 37th Regiment of Foot  


Colonel Munro is calling on all good Englishmen to enlist and serve His Majesty King George the II to subdue the rebellious Scots.

The 37th Regiment of the foot is an AUTHENTIC/PROGRESSIVE living history group dedicated to portraying the 37th Regiment of Foot at the time of the 1745 Jacobite Rising.  The 37th Regiment is based in Central Arkansas; however, we are recruiting from Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma. We are partners with Maclachans Progressive Jacobite Unit, Ozarks Contingent. For anyone interested in joining, I encourage that you join the group; however, remember this is an authentic unit with high standards for authenticity; that being said,we are here to teach and are open to all who want to join and improve their impression and knowledge on this time era.

P.S. we are looking for anyone who can play a period drum and Fife.

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