Thursday, 11 November 2021

3D printed F&I war

I know nothing about 3D printing but this looked interesting on the Seven Years War wargaming page.

 Madox Historical November release is out!

Higlanders Seven Years War and French Indian War:
Both line and skirmish formations.
American, European and grenadiers heads.
American and European musketeer officers and grenadier officer
Drummers, pipers, standards and NCOs.
British Provincial troops French Indian War:
Both line and skirmish formations.
Tricorne heads and "cut" cap heads
Line officer and skirmish officer.
Drummers, fifers, NCOs and Standards.
Light dragoons Seven Years War:
Both carabine and sword body options.
NCO, drummer, standard, hornist and officer
Plus 25% off on past releases
All figures come presupported
All figures excluding command squads are multipart
All figures are 28mm
So joint today and print your dream army!

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