Friday, 21 October 2022

Coming soon from Helion

 The author posted on my Facebook group Late 18th century warfare and I thought it would be ok to post on here.

“''The Pattern” follows the 33rd Regiment, arguably the best-trained in the British Army, through its campaigns during the American Revolutionary War.
It aims to give a complete understanding of the 33rd, so it’s not just a regimental history. Opening chapters deal with recruitment, training, weapons, clothing and equipment, as well as the home service 1770-75, where the regiment acquired a reputation for excellence.
There’s also statistical analysis! We look at where the 33rd’s soldiers came from, what jobs they did before enlisting, their age, their height, and how long they served for.
After that there’s a chapter dealing with the events of each year 1776-83. Not just combat either, though there’s loads of that -
diet, disease, discipline and desertion, the role of women, camp life and the experiences of transatlantic voyages are among topics dealt with.
It’s also got;
Over 100,000 words of core text
Over 30 images
Graphs and tables

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