Sunday, 16 October 2022

Love, Courage and the Battle of Bushy Run - Official Trailer

Thanks to Alan C for this. Brand new.

 “In 1763, Britain won the world-wide Seven Years War causing the French to abandon the American colonies. With the French gone, the Native Americans feared the British would seek revenge. Ottawa Chief Pontiac convinced many tribes to strike first. Some did so willingly, others were forced to fight. Their ultimate target was Fort Pitt. The combatants on both sides deployed unconventional and often brutal strategies and tactics. Colonel Henry Bouquet, with a rag-tag group of British soldiers, Scottish Highlanders and American volunteers, was tasked with trying to save the hundreds of men, women and children facing certain death in Fort Pitt. The little-known Battle of Bushy Run changed the course of world history… This is that story.”

Love, Courage and the Battle of Busy Run - Official Trailer from TRIPLE HORSE on Vimeo.

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