Friday, 30 June 2023

Battle of Fort Recovery 1794

 Today's anniversary is the attack by Blue Jacket's forces. Wiki

Reconstructed Fort Recovery

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

The Mission (1986) Full movie


Wiki. Full movie here. Soundtrack was particularly good. Set in 1758 South America I saw it at the pictures. There is a battle at the end. Stars Robert de Niro and Jeremy Irons. 

Portuguese marines

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Saturday, 17 June 2023

Friday, 16 June 2023

Fort Ticonderoga tomorrow

 Enjoy our Scots Soldier Musket Demonstration at 11:00 a.m. 

at Scots Day this Saturday!

From broadswords to bayonets, explore the arms of Scottish soldiers in the French & Indian War! See the workings of different patterns of the, “King’s Arms,” and how lessons from the French & Indian War informed British training going into the Revolutionary War.

#ScottishHeritage #LivingHistoryEvent #LifelongLearning

Thursday, 15 June 2023

First Frontier Series

 First Frontier series

Fiction by Mike Roarke that starts in the Seven Years War and goes through Pontiac the Revolution and finally the Northwest Territory War. I have read one Shadows on the Longhouse. Can be picked up reasonably off ebay.

The final story
The first novel in the series

Monday, 12 June 2023

Saturday, 10 June 2023

Pics of my Compagnies franches de la Marine unit

 My birthday today so I am indulging myself by posting pics of my Compagnies franches de la Marine group in the mid to late 90s U.K.

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Fort Ticonderoga 1st Royals

 "Lieutenant Colonel John Darby of the 17th Regiment of Foot notified General Jefferey Amherst of the arrival of 4 Companies of the "Royals" at Ticonderoga, relieving the 17th Regiment that garrisoned the post over the winter. He wrote Amherst on June 2, 1760 stating that, "Colonel Forster of the Royals relieved the garrison of Tienderoga yesterday morning to whom I delivered all the orders and instructions relative to the defence and security of that post..." 

Artificer Interpreter, Jul,  completed the uniform of the 1st Regiment of Foot or "Royals" who shortly garrisoned Ticonderoga in June 1760. Come and visit with our tailors who made all our uniforms for our 1760 portrayal this year!"


 From Claus' Rangers facebook. They put out some great articles. One of my favourite Revwar groups.

Accounts of both Rebels and Loyalists dressing and painting in the “Indian fashion" are found during the American War of Independence. Rebel rifleman clad in hunting shirts and wearing paint on their faces, which may have been as intimidating to the locals they encountered as it was to the British, is written about.. On the other hand, the accounts of Loyalists on the frontier painting themselves "like Indians" may be exaggerated,could be rebel propaganda used to stir up anti-Royalist fervor, or could be based in fact. Some of these accounts are very specific, others are written by the Loyalists themselves, giving some more credibility than others.

"General Nixon, with about 1000 men lies at and about Fort Ann, to obstruct the passages and intercept the enemy's scouts, of whom our people daily make prisoners. They day before yesterday five were taken between Fort Ann and Skeensborough; three of them appeared like Indians, and upon being washed, were found to be Tories, who were gone over to the enemy from the neighbourhood of Fort Edward."   -THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE, August 15, 1777, “FISH-KILL, July 24. Extract of a letter from Albany, July 21.”

Charles Smith to Capt. Walter Butler-

“Harpers Field, 27 July 1778-

I take this opportunity to inform you I have been diligent as I can possible in getting of men, but harvest being at hand the men could not leave here until they had their grain cut. But know as most of them is got their grain in and taken care of, I expect many to come with me. But there is on thing that hinders, they are afraid that the rebels will ruin them before we come to their assistance and are afraid to leave home. But I give them the greatest encouragement as I think it my duty to do so…

I was coming to see you but met Archibald Thompson and returned back to bring out my men and join as soon as possible and bring them from Bostick, from the Beaver Dam, from Healborak and them parts. But I am obliged to say more than the truth to encourage them to come out…

I shall see you soon and hope I shall march in front of my men painted and some of my men painted, so please to give notice to my brethren.” (George Clinton papers, Vol. III. pp 617-618.)

“On the 1st instant, (July) the whole body of the enemy, consisting it is supposed, of near, 1600, (about 300 of whom were thought to be Indians , under their own chiefs, the rest, Tories, painted like them, except their officers, who were dressed like regulars) the whole under the command of Col. John Butler,…came down near the upper fort, but concealed the greatest part of their number, here they had a skirmish with the inhabitants, who took and killed two Indians , and lost ten of their own men, three of whom they afterwards found, killed, scalped, and mangled in the most inhuman manner.” -  from The Pennsylvania Packet, July 30, 1778, POUGHKEEPSIE, July 20.”

“On Friday night last was safely lodged in Poughkeepsie gaol, the noted Tory, John Snow - This villain is one of those who had transformed themselves into savages, the more effectually to assist their master, the King of Great Britain, in conquering the free and independent States of America. - He was taken at Paughkataken, in a full suit of paint, the badge of his royal master in that quarter - Confessed that he had voluntarily joined the Indians and marched with them against the frontier settlement of Leghawegh, where they robbed and burnt several houses. The mare of a poor widow there was found in his possession.” -The Pennsylvania Packet, August 13, 1778, “POUGHKEEPSIE, August 3.”

“Saturday night last the house of the widow Boellisfelt, near the Great Swamp in Amwell, was attacked by seven armed tories painted like Indians, who cruelly robbed her of 700 dollars, threatening that if she made the least noise or resistance, they would put her to immediate death. We doubt not but the Gentlemen in authority will exert themselves to bring those daring villains to exemplary and condign punishment.” - The Pennsylvania Packet, September 3, 1778, "TRENTON, September 2.”

“We were all painted and equipped like Indians as were all the Tories belonging to the party. We were promised by Joseph Brant and Bernard Frey, the two commandants of the Indians and Tories, ten dollars for every scalp we took, and that each person that joined them should have 50 acres of land.” – William Sommer Deposition, July 1781. George Clinton Papers Vol. VII, pp 79-81.

Today's anniversary

 The Battle of Trois-Rivières was fought on June 8, 1776, during the American Revolutionary War. A British army under Quebec Governor Guy Carleton defeated an attempt by units from the Continental Army under the command of Brigadier General William Thompson to stop a British advance up the Saint Lawrence River valley. The battle occurred as a part of the American colonists' invasion of Quebec, which had begun in September 1775 with the goal of removing the province from British rule.

Pic from

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Fort Dobbs State Historic Site

"On June 3rd, we highlighted the history of the 1760 campaign of Archibald Montgomery against the Cherokee settlements." See more at their Facebook page

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...