Thursday 8 June 2023

Fort Ticonderoga 1st Royals

 "Lieutenant Colonel John Darby of the 17th Regiment of Foot notified General Jefferey Amherst of the arrival of 4 Companies of the "Royals" at Ticonderoga, relieving the 17th Regiment that garrisoned the post over the winter. He wrote Amherst on June 2, 1760 stating that, "Colonel Forster of the Royals relieved the garrison of Tienderoga yesterday morning to whom I delivered all the orders and instructions relative to the defence and security of that post..." 

Artificer Interpreter, Jul,  completed the uniform of the 1st Regiment of Foot or "Royals" who shortly garrisoned Ticonderoga in June 1760. Come and visit with our tailors who made all our uniforms for our 1760 portrayal this year!"

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Minisink 245 years ago.

  Read about it here The Battle of Minisink  took place during the  American Revolutionary War  at  Minisink Ford, New York , on July 22, 17...