Monday, 27 January 2025


From Uwe Wild

 ''My mate Markus Gärtner, who has published several books in the past contacted me and wanted to talk about figure production. Together we thought it a good idea to produce "the figures that go with the book".

Markus' favourite subject are the Germans in the American war of independence. His latest book is on sell with [Berliner Zinnfiguren]( So far only in German, but I hope they will think about an English version too.
So, now here having the Hessians published, we wanted to have the figures. Markus himself is a collector of 54mm figures and I told him, the advantage of 3D is, everybody can have them in his favorite scale.
So here you see our first joined project - Hessen-Kassel Musketeers charging American trenches
If you are interested in the figures, you can order them in our shop at [Blackwatch](
I will paint them as Prussians for our actual diorama projects of Korbitz 1759 and Kolin 1757''

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Raiders of the Mohawk Orlo Miller 1954

  I am very excited. I managed to find a UK copy of this book for a reasonable price. It's a Canadian book for younger readers but I hav...