Saturday, 15 March 2025

Uniform of Fifers & Drummers in the British Army | American Revolution (1775)

 Join Fifer Werner as she walks you through every detail of a Fifer/Drummer's kit. This video is part of a 6 episode series, that, when completed will go in-depth about the uniforms of our entire regiment. From our 3 musket companies (Grenadiers, Battalion, Light Infantry), to our Fifers/Drummers, Officers and even our Civilians.

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog. Can I ask a general question? I see pictures of soldiers in your blog, and I see them in movies, with a musket but without a bayonet or sword. Wouldn't that limit them in battle?


Drums Along the Mohawk (1939)

 My favourite movie about the Revolution even though I side with the Indians, Wiki