Saturday, 29 August 2009

epee du soldat

Back in the 90s it wasn't so easy to get French equipment - now it is relatively cheap to get these items - why not get one yourself? This is a copy of the standard infantry sword of the French - this version is a mere $75 dollars from this company - I think for that price we should all get one - you never know when you might need a replica small sword. Actually I think French scabbards were red (roussli) leather - the same colour as their cartridge boxes (a wine red colour) but I am not sure. G Gedney Godwin do one with a red scabbard but it's $215.
Incidentally French belts were a yellow leather - the colour of buff coats - a mustardy yellow.


  1. I'm a big fan of the Epee Du Soldat and own a genuine one. Do you think you could write up a review of the replica sword if you have recieved it? Whats the quality like? Weight? Balance? Thanks,


  2. For those interested in French soldier swords, I suggest to have a look at my Website:

    More expensive, I admit, but closer to original swords.


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