Tuesday 11 May 2010

Old photos

Been finding a few old photos. This one has me in 95 I think with Mike of the 36th Foot. I am kitted out in my first F&I outfit - it's when we first started reenacting that period - I was to go through many transformations but this was my idea of an officer of Milice. Looking back now I am not embarassed by this look - I was to do worse later on. Mitasses, dark green coat (infringing Ranger copyright as someone joked), gargoussier and I resisted an hausse-col. The bell tent kind of spoils the photo but for that crime we're not guilty.

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Minisink 245 years ago.

  Read about it here The Battle of Minisink  took place during the  American Revolutionary War  at  Minisink Ford, New York , on July 22, 17...