Saturday, 18 June 2011

Lauzun's Legion recruiting poster

This would be more interesting if I could speak French.

40mm Seven Years War and Revolution

A few posts investigating what's out there for the F&I and Revwar. I like the look of the Sash and Saber F &I figures - I'd like to see more photos of them - this blog has some detailed photos of the Indians (see pic for example). They are impressive...makes me want to see what the French marines are like - any of you know?
There's some interesting gaming images of Sash and Saber F&I here

Friday, 17 June 2011

Front Rank 40mm Revwar

This is an impressive range for the War of Independence. See them here

40mm American Revolution

Trident designs do a range which includes some woodland indians. Check them out here

40mm F&I

Image from Lead Gardens blog. So what do you think about 40mm? Expensive or impressive? Or both . Also see blog piece about the F&I with Irregular traditional toy soldier style.

More 40mm FIW

HLBS do a range for the scale - see them here

40mm French and Indian war

Sash and Sabre (Saber) do a nice range - see them here for the UK or
here for the US
and see this blog for a great Native warparty in 40mm and this blog for some excellent redcoats

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Reinforcements from France 1755

These troops were uniformed by the Ministry of Marine and had different uniforms than their usual ones most notably the lack of a collar

How to start your own F&I group

I like this picture - its taken by my house and it is from the first ever get together in 95 when we formed a French and Indian war group. How did it come about you ask? Well first I put out adverts in places like magazines and also around the Buckskinning community (as that was where the all important Indians lurked) and organised a get together weekend at my place. We went for a walk to take some photos and on the Sunday we had our inaugural meeting where even more people (to my wife's slight annoyance) turned up to get things going. The photos we took that weekend were useful in getting events.

Regiment des Volontaires-étrangers 2

Sadly this old UK group recreating German volunteers is no longer going but I think it ought to be revived somewhere - ideally a German-speaking country. Read about them here

British soldier SYW

I found the drawing that was used by Seven Years War Inc as their logo - here it is rescanned in all its glory.

Fort Beauséjour 1755

Capitulation of this fort took place today. Read about the battle here

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Live firing experiment by the King's 8th

Thanks to Kyle of the 29th foot for telling me about this.
The 8th Foot reenactors in the states just posted videos demonstrating the results of their live fire experiments at 100 and then 60 yards.

Decisive Battles New Orleans 1 of 3

Somebody uload Fallen Timbers onto Youtube! This will have to do until then.

Light Infantry summer kit

Pic by me from a few years ago showing the sleeved waistcoat look that can be done as a smart start. Thinking about it now I think maybe the sleeves should have cuffs on them.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Decisive battles King's Mountain 1 of 2

Thanks to Uwe from History in 1/72 for finding this excellent epsiode in what looks an excellent series. I notice there is an episode on Fallen Timbers - like to see that...

More 1/72 FIW!!

I have copied the below from Plastic Soldier Review. BUM are Spanish

ArticleIcon Last of the Mohicans series
BUM have let us know of their current plans for new releases. The BUM brand name will carry a range entitled 'Last of the Mohicans', and the lineup is currently:
  • 2001 - Roger's Rangers
  • 2002 - Whaleboat Rangers
  • 2003 - Rangers in Canoes
  • 2004 - Cabin Attack
  • 2005 - Ambush!
  • 2006 - Massacre!
  • 2007 - Colonial Hut
  • 2011 - Major Duncan Hayworth
  • 2020 - Scottish Infantry
  • 2021 - British Infantry
  • 2022 - Scottish Regulars
  • 2025 - French Bombard
  • 2026 - French Infantry
The contents of some of the sets are not yet confirmed, but details can be found on our Future Releases page. Also we have posted a preview of the Rogers Rangers set on the BUM listing page.

His Majesty's Independent Company of foot

Facebook page for the Czech group here

The 36th today

The group are still going - check them out at the Lace Wars website.

The first Bath event

Here's a picture of my pals the 36th at the first Bath event. They have their brand new waterbottles brought over from the states by Joe Northrop from Indiana and his crew of 60th reenactors.

36th Foot by Ralph Mitchard

Here's another image by me from the same era - this was done for the 36th regiment of foot's webpage.

Seven Years War Inc. promo

Seven Years War Inc. from Michael Kladky on Vimeo.

Seven Years War Inc.

If you live in the midwest of the USA and love the period then you should get involved with this group - like their Facebook page and look at the photos. I am of course biased as it uses for its logo a picture by me!
Webpage here

The British Conquest

Apologies if you have seen this before but it's a well-made film on the Siege of Louisbourg and the events that followed it.

Ken Smith's historical art

Looking for images of Independent companies I came across these interesting images depicting the events around Fort Loudon. Also see here

Wolfe's attack on Louisbourg

Took place today in 1758 so I thought I'd post this redcoat image (looks like an Independent Company) from the 250th in 2008 - see the full size image on Flickr

Thursday, 9 June 2011

the old Wolfe's Army

I think this now out of print classic is worth having even if the information might be a little out of date. The figures are superb and of course nostalgia being what it is it was once the book on the French and Indian wars to have. Sadly the companion volume 'Montcalm's Army is not so good but there was a time when these two titles were all there was for visual reference for the F and I.

Gerry Embleton

Shame to see Gerry's 'Redcoats in the Forest' website is no longer running. I see he's working on three books on North America so maybe the material will surface in book form sometime. You can buy the originals from the revised Osprey of Wolfe's Army here at his website

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Rogers Rangers in 1/72?

So Italian plastics manufacturer Waterloo 1815 (one of the worst names to try and Google methinks) has announced that a set of Rogers Rangers (035) are imminent. (Pic is nothing to do with it other than that's my guess as to what they'll be like). Anyone seeing anything about this let me know. Incidentally if any of you want 1/72 late 17th century figures check out Uwe's blog.
Also while on 1/72 check out the sprues for Hat's SYW Prussians here

'Duke' Jacob

Here's the Galloping Major personalities which includes a Black Ranger "Duke" Jacob, according to the description given for when he was arrested and posted as a runaway. Read about Duke Jacob and see some reconstructions here at this forum

Trois Rivieres

This battle of the Revolution took place today. Wiki here.
One of the units which took part was the 47th Foot which is recreated in the UK - website here.

Monday, 6 June 2011

French forces

Late 90s. I am 2nd from the right. The natives are partly the German Iroquois. Good times...


You may have seen these photos before but they're better scans. Here's de la Reine letting rip.

Troupes de la Marine

As you can see I am having a bit of an attack of the scanners - raiding my old publicity photos from NF&OE. Here is me on the right with my Marines - the unit is still going if I am correct.

British Light Infantry

One of our best units in the early days of NF&OE - UK's F&I society was this group from Wales. Here is a pose recreating an ambush.

British allied native

Note the red cloth tied to the barrel. This image of Chikala from the late 90s is from my box of old photos.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

More 15mm FIW

This is a great blog piece about a British Provincial force in 15mm. Also check out Ray's French Marines here and the 55th foot here

15mm French and Indian war

I have painted a few F&I forces in this scale a few years ago. I used the Freikorps 15 range augmented by some Essex 15s. These days Blue Moon (pictured - here in the UK) have what looks like the tastiest looking ones but I would be interested in hearing what you all use?

French and Indian War Reenactment in Charlestown New Hampshire

Haven't had much reenactment this year but this is a recent upload - the setting of the action is spectacular and although the action is a way away this is a worth watching video.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Joseph Broussard (1702–1765)

Also known as Beausoleil was an Acadian partisan. Not as famous as Robert Rogers but certainly worthy of our attention and respect.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Major Robert Rogers

28mm personality figure by Galloping Major.

Frontier Partisans

This is an excellent new blog on the subject of the type of partisan that created Empires.

Bradstreet's battoemen

Been looking on the internet for information on these important colonial troops but not having much luck so I thought maybe someone might know. Were they uniformed? Armed with firelocks?
Piece on battoes and bateaux here

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...