Thursday, 28 February 2013

Gesellschaft für Hessische Militaer- und Zivilgeschichte e.V.

German based group recreating the Age of Reason. Images and info here

Regiment Von Huyn

Thought I'd post these images of this excellent Maryland Hessian unit -  Facebook page here

Assassin's Creed III redcoats

Let's have another look at the Italian Redcoats raised last year for the launch of the console game Assassin's Creed III. As you can see they did an amazing job in the time allowed. Let's hope we see more of them in the future. Not sure who took the image but get in touch and I'll give you credit for this skilful photo.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Captain John Knox. An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North-America. (London: 1769)

Looking for an online copy of this - anyone seen it anywhere?

Rangers at Fort Ti

Publicizing the 23rds Battle on Snowshoes event is this image of Rangers. Not a Scots bonnet in sight. Details here
 “The Battle on Snowshoes” will be held as a living history event Saturday, Feb. 23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the fort.
“The Battle on Snowshoes event recreates the savage fight between Robert Roger’s rangers, and a mixed French force of regular soldiers, milice and allied native warriors on March 13, 1758,” said Stuart Lilie, director of interpretation at Fort Ticonderoga. “This event is designed to be a rich experience for both participants and visitors alike. It will investigate the myths and facts of Robert Rogers and explore why his exploits in the North Woods still fill the popular imagination today.”
Visitors will be able to see the French Garrison in the middle of winter inside Fort Ticonderoga and tour through opposing pickets of British rangers and French soldiers.
At 2 p.m. a tree-to-tree battle recreation will take place.
“Watch as the rangers make a brave stand against superior odds, only to retreat through the deep woods,” said Beth Hills, Fort Ti executive director and CEO.

1758 British Army Leggings

Saturday, 16 February 2013

1/72 Redcoats from 1745

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for finding this new product from Redbox- they look really good - go on to my Wars of Louis XIV blog to see the other two boxes of Government troops including Black Watch.

AWI camp scene by the Perrys

Here is something pleasant - camp figures for either side in 28mm. Thanks to Thomsomfeld for finding this. Website for the Perrys here

Battle of Monmouth by Mark Maritato

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for this image. More of Mark's work here
He says
Here is a sneak preview of just one of the 7 paintings I have done for the new Monmouth Battlefield Visitor's Center - This painting focuses on the 42nd Foot (Royal Highland Regiment) Fighting against Cilley's Picked men. This scene depicted here is the final Charge of Cilley's men after they had chased the Highlanders out of the Suftin Orchard and down the slope of the hill. The Highlanders made a final stand in the swampy ground near Spotswood Middle Branch Creek. The fight ended with the Highlanders finally breaking off and retreating across the creek. The Soldiers of the 42nd Foot shown in the painting are from the light infantry company so they are shown with no shoulder adornments. I want to give special thanks to Historians Paul Pace who provided me with detailed research on the dress and appearance of the 42nd Foot in 1778 and Garry Wheeler Stone for providing me with crucial information on the appearance of the terrain at the time of the Battle. I will reveal more of these paintings as we get closer to the date of the opening of the New Visitor's center in the summer of 2013!

Friday, 15 February 2013

Reenacting Von Bose

This is an interesting blog devoted to the recreation of a Hessian unit for the American Revolution. Recommended.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Brunswick troops in winter clothing

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for this image.

Battle of Kettle Creek

A revwar battle in Georgia took place today. Wiki
I guess this ranks as one of those 'nasty little fights' one of my historian friends was talking about. 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


 (New France Old England) UK F&I society - French forces. I found this picture on an article on Irish Highlanders blog and recognised the people on it. The website of NFOE has an online membership form if you are thinking of joining.

French and Indian

I purloined this image from the Buffalo Trace blog where he recreates the Cherokee shotbag depicted.

Photo from Fort Ti

Publicising their Battle on Snowshoes event. More pics here
Details on the event on the 23rd Feb here

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


New French language blog which looks interesting.

Wabash 1791

If you are thinking about getting the new Fallen Timbers 1794 Osprey coming out soon you might want to get the preceding title chronologically Wabash 1791. Part of the same war.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Gerald McCann's Conspiracy of Pontiac

Complete 45-page story about the life and times of the famous Native American warrior. Classics Illustrated #154 (Gilberton, 1960). Image area 12.5" x 18.5".
There are 46 Pieces of Art In This Gallery.See panels here where all 45 pages have been scanned and are available online
Based on the Parkman book. Here's a sample page so you can see it's a decent read.

Illinois Rangers blog

Interesting blog for frontier stuff. Go here

Treaty of Paris 1763

Today marks the 250th anniversary of this event - ending the Franco British aspect of the Seven Years War. Wiki

Friday, 8 February 2013

Louisbourg 300

Here to find out about Louisbourg's 300th birthday.

Excellent wintry photo

Ruth Bonneville / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS The 275th anniversary of explorer La Vérendrye's arrival at The Forks is this year. Michel Loiselle (front) and La Compagnie de la Vérendrye plan to celebrate the occasion.
From here where more is explained

HM 40th Foot / 2nd Battalion LI - "Bloodhounds"

This excellent redcoat group are recruting - see their Facebook page.
Webpage here 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Skirmish at Parson's Creek

M&T game over here - FIW in 28mm natch.

Griffing Art

Page of his artwork. Thanks to Thomsomfeld for this.

Fallen Timbers 1794 The US Army’s first victory

Thanks to Steve Stanley for noticing this new Osprey
Author: John F Winkler
Illustrator: Peter Dennis
About this book
Following the defeat at Wabash, in 1792 the Washington administration created a new US Army to replace the one that had been destroyed. The man chosen to lead it was the famous Major-General “Mad” Anthony Wayne. Having trained his new force, Wayne set out in 1793 to subdue the Ohio Indians. Wayne faced many of the same problems as St Clair including the logistical and intelligence problems of campaigning in the wilderness, not to mention the formidable Ohio Indians. Wayne faced additional problems including the likelihood that he would have to fight both British and Spanish forces, not to mention an American army led by the celebrated commander George Roger Clark. He also faced an insurrection in western Pennsylvania, “Whiskey Rebellion”, and a conspiracy led by many of his officers and contractors. Despite all these difficulties, Wayne managed to defeat the Ohio Indians at the battle of Fallen Timbers. This was a decisive defeat that led directly to the Treaty of Greeneville the following year which ended 20 years of conflict between the Americans and the Ohio Indians.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

44th Foot Grenadier Monongahela campaign 1755

By Don Troiani. Note the absence of a sword - another modification for the campaign. A further modification was the use of a belly-box.
SYW Project on the regiment here

More 44th Foot

The website of this group recreating the regiment has both linen and red wool smallclothes. Gallery here. Worth looking at this page - some nice clipart

44th Foot

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for this image. I thought the 44th had linen smallclothes?  Note the Conestoga wagon in the background - a nice touch

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Saturday, 2 February 2013

To Nourish the troops

Article on the mess and kitchen provisions for the redcoat in America during the Revolution.

Well-Clothed for the Winter

Fort Ti's kit guidelines for regulars (troupes de terre and Cfdlm) here for the Snowshoes event.

Fort Ti's Snowshoe guidelines - Milice

Useful page on Canadian Militia (Milice). For the Battle on Snowshoes event.  Useful as a guide to a good Milice interpretation.
See their piece on Rangers here

Mohawks for M&T

Here. Also see here - Nice figures - it seems that Muskets and Tomahawks has really taken off creating a demand for FIW skirmish type figures.See on another blog the force sizing up to take them on - French Marines natch

late March date for Perry plastics

28mm of course. See the box artwork here

Friday, 1 February 2013

1758 Massachusetts Provincial Model Company

This looks like a great project from Fort Ticonderoga - read about it here
The Model Company exists to develop the skills and historical knowledge of living historians. Participants are drawn from a variety of units and from all across the Eastern seaboard. We welcome those that have an interest in the highest level of historical accuracy, both in dress and actions, and we are strict about the discipline maintained in accordance with historical research. The goal is to get a modern group of disparate, but like-minded re-enactors to truly act like a company of infantry from the Revolutionary War, French and Indian War, and other associated periods.
Interesting page on the coat

Battle of Cowan's Ford

Fought today in 1781. Wiki here.
Image from Historical artist Dan Nance's Facebook page
He says
Today is the Anniversary of the Battle of Cowan's Ford, fought North of Charlotte-
Young patriot General Davidson, from which Davidson College was named, was killed in the early morning skirmish

47th Foot by Chris Collingwood

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for this image.

Cluck Amok blog

Good blog about wargaming the FIW with I think 54mm figs. Check it out

Battle on Snowshoes: 1758 Snowshoe Battle

 Made by Fort Ticonderoga
'Major Robert Rogers and 180 picked men set out to scout Fort Carillon on March 10th 1758. Travelling by skates and snowshoes, Rogers and his men followed Lake George towards this French fort. A combined force of Native warriors and French soldiers met and overwhelmed Rogers' Rangers in the Battle on Snowshoes, March 13th 1758. See some of Robert Rogers own words describing this battle.'
Made for the event on the 23rd February - details here

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...