Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Fort Edward

Oldest surviving blockhouse in North America. 1750. Fort Edward in Nova Scotia.  Nova Scotia - 

Saturday, 14 December 2019

A Mohawk memoir

A Mohawk Memoir from the War of 1812: John Norton – Teyononinhokarawen, published in November 2019 by the University of Toronto Press.

In the author's own words:
The 350+-page book consists of his 1812-14 autobiography, supported by my introductions, annotations, and appendices, and enhanced with two maps and thirty-four colour period images.

Norton’s account is one of the more extensive memoirs from the war by any combatant, is full of detail, and, of course, is a rare document, being authored by an Indigenous person who played major roles as a war chief and a diplomatic figure between the Six Nations Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) of the Grand River and their British and other First Nations allies. Norton saw more action than almost anyone else between 1812 and 1814, being present at the captures of Detroit and Fort Niagara, the blockades of Fort George and Fort Erie, the battles of Queenston Heights, Fort George, Stoney Creek, Chippawa, and Lundy’s Lane, as well as  large number of front-line patrols and skirmishes. His account has a tremendous amount of detail that I would think re-enactors would find interesting. The text regularly mentions regiments and individuals of interest to the re-enacting community as well, including the York Militia (and describes the battle of York).

To learn more about the book, please visit the UTP website at:

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Corps de Cavalerie

By Eugene Lelieprve
A short lived formation from the final days of New France. Not sure if anyone produces miniatures for this unit. Read about them here at Kronoskaf

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Bath 96

Me and my wife at the first French and Indian war event at the American museum Bath. It was quite a stressful event - first the person bringing the powder only brought enough for about 6 muskets so me and Stewart had to go to the gunshop in the centre of Bath to buy all the powder they had. Also the British had a coat stolen by Indians and decided to attack the French camp. Happy days.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Raiders from New France first impressions

My copy has just arrived. Very good. It's a book that has needed to be written and those involved have done well in putting it into print. The colour illustrations by Adam Hook are skilful
Couriers de good 1730s
with a debt (acknowledged) to the late Francis Back whose research has paved the way.  Plenty of good stuff on New France's military strategies, arms and clothing. Recommended.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Fusil Boucanier

'Coming soon from Loyalist Arms...Fusil Boucanier; .69 cal flint; "56 barrel.. being released for the New Year ! Pics available in the next few weeks.'
Read about the above image on this blog

Friday, 22 November 2019

Winter scene

"After James William Peachey  A Winter View of the Falls of Montmorenci from the Road on the Ice fronting it taken 12th April 1781 by John Wells"

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Raiders from New France

This book by Rene Chartrand and Adam Hook is out 28 November. I am really looking forward to it.

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Announcement on forthcoming works of interest

After nearly eight years in the making, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Michel Pétard, René Chartrand and myself have recently signed a publication contract with Historical Enterprise, LLC for the publication of a full-color three-volume book set dealing with the material culture of the French troops in Canada (1683-1760). This ground-breaking study will provide a close look at the objects, clothing and equipment used by the French soldiers of the colonial and regular troops serving in North America and will include a large amount of unpublished information on the very subject (i.e., primary source documentation taken from archival material and notarial records) with a focus on new illustrations and line drawings by Francis Back and Michel Pétard, as well as photos of rare portraits and surviving artifacts from public and private collections throughout the world. A chapter on tattoos and military hairstyles written by the late Francis Back will be included as well.
Volume 1 - Regulation clothing, armament, and equipment of the colonial troops in Canada (1683-1760)
Volume 2 - Campaign clothing, armament, and equipment of the colonial troops in Canada (1683-1760)
Volume 3 - Regulation clothing, armament, and equipment of the French metropolitan troops in Canada (1755-1760)
No official publication date has been set at this point, but we are hopeful that volume 1 it goes into print late 2020 or early 2021.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Friday, 25 October 2019

Blood and Plunder - Queen Anne's war 28mm

Firelock games (who do the series Blood and Plunder) have mentioned they are working on figures for this era. They said
We plan on doing some new Native American units, Coureur De Bois, and Indian Fighters (works for Dutch Boslopers as well) for late 17th - early 18th century. Our No Peace Beyond the Line expansion for Blood & Plunder currently covers King Philips' War and King Williams War and we are presently working on a supplement to cover Queen Anne's War, including new units and factions for Woodland Native Americans that covers from King Phillips War to King George's War.
Exciting news

French troops at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham 1759

I think these are from a magazine called The Beaver. 

Monday, 21 October 2019

Virginia Continentals UK 1775-83

Like to hear of new projects. Here's the Facebook page of a group that did their first event this year.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

The Newcomers March 19, 1978

Set in what is now Quebec, this story is about Nicholas de Lugny (played by Michel Coté), a soldier bearing the hardships of a new land and learning how to live as a pioneer in New France. The Newcomers was a series of seven hour-long Canadian television specials that aired from 1977 to 1980 on CBC Television. These dramas explored the theme of Canada as a nation built by immigrants, spanning from the era before Canada was founded until modern times. The series was sponsored by Imperial Oil to mark the company's 100th anniversary in 1980. The series was produced by Nielsen-Ferns.[1] McClelland and Stewart published a related book in 1979.[2]

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

New American Revolution era group for the UK

'We would like to announce the formation of "The Pattern: The 33rd Regiment of Foot, 1770-1785".

Formed by longstanding reenactors and living historians, and with strong links to the Duke of Wellington's Regimental Museum, the group will portray a hat company of British infantry and its civilian followers, as it appeared in 1775 prior to its embarkation for America, and its subsequent distinguished service.

We will be working towards participation in the 250th Anniversary Commemoration of the American War of Independence, which will begin in 2025.

Our portrayal will use the latest research and we will equip to the highest standards. '


Matchlock miniatures 15mm French and Indian war

This range looks good. 

Friday, 4 October 2019

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Woodland Indians wanted for 17th century reenactment in Pennsylvania

Had an email.

'I'm a member of the Twisted Knot Company of Pike and Shotte, a re-enactor group in Central Pennsylvania specializing in the 16th–17th century, from the Elizabethan era to the English Civil War and early colonial America.
That's a little before your F&I War period, but we're working on our schedule of events for 2020 and looking for Woodland Indian re-enactors in the mid-Atlantic region who might be interested in a joint event. In the 1600s the lower Susquehanna Valley was a real battleground among the various English colonies, not to mention the Dutch, Swedes, French and Spanish.
If you're able to point me in the right direction (or any direction), it would be greatly appreciated.
This is us taking 2nd place in the military display category at Military Through the Ages a year or two ago.'

Don Hollway
(Lance-Presado Manfred Holweg, on the right above)

Saturday, 28 September 2019

2000 reenactment calendar

There was this magazine and they asked if we wanted too be in a calendar for 2000. They added some of their own photos which was a bit of a nuisance.

Rules for the French and Indian war

A reader asked what rules to use? I must admit to being ignorant on this subject so if you have any preferences please post a comment. Thanks.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Coming soon from Gallloping Major

Things to come:
Five of the six figures from each upcoming pack of La Marine in winter coats; FIW FCF11: Compagnies Franches de la Marine in capotes and bonnets, and FIW FCF12: Compagnies Franches de la Marine in capotes and tuques. One figure from each of these two packs is currently being completed, both of these have been designed with a separate hand and musket.


Monday, 23 September 2019

Friday, 13 September 2019

Battle of the Plains of Abraham 260th

Today's anniversary. Wiki
Give this song a spin. It's a really old Canadian song I think.

Stewart MacPherson as Monsieur me Marquis 1999

Tuesday, 10 September 2019


Back in the 90s in the UK French and Indian war society we used to from time to time hire a wood in Wales for the weekend to do wargames. It wasn't expensive - about 10 pounds a head - but we had some great times.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Book to look out for!

Raiders from New France: North American Forest Warfare Tactics, 17th–18th Centuries (Elite) Paperback – November 26, 2019

By René Chartrand (Author), Adam Hook (Illustrator)

Supported by full-color illustrations, this study explores in startling new detail the “musket and tomahawk” forest warfare by which the French colonists and their allies battled to ensure the survival of “New France.”

Though the French and British colonies in North America began on a “level playing field," French political conservatism and limited investment allowed the British colonies to forge ahead, pushing into territories that the French had explored deeply but failed to exploit. The subsequent survival of “New France” can largely be attributed to an intelligent doctrine of raiding warfare developed by imaginative French officers through close contact with indigenous tribes and Canadian settlers. The groundbreaking new research explored in this study indicates that, far from the opportunism these raids seemed to represent, they were in fact the result of a deliberate plan to overcome numerical weakness by exploiting the potential of mixed parties of French soldiers, Canadian backwoodsmen, and allied indigenous warriors.

Supported by contemporary accounts from period documents and newly explored historical records, this study explores the “hit-and-run” raids which kept New Englanders tied to a defensive position and ensured the continued existence of the French colonies until their eventual cession in 1763.

Battle of Lake George 1755

Today's anniversary this battle.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Barkskins (2019)

They are shooting this in Quebec at the moment. Based on a novel from 2016. The imdb says

Based on the novel by Pulitzer-winner Annie Proulx, BARKSKINS follows a disparate group of outcasts who must navigate brutal hardships, competing interests, and tangled loyalties at the crossroads of civilization - late 1600s New France.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Canadian Iroquois in the Seven Years War

Ebook here
Dundurn24 Jan 2012 - History - 248 pages

The participation of the Iroquois of Akwasasne, Kanesetake (Oka), Kahnawake and Oswegatchie in the Seven Years’ War is a long neglected topic. The consequences of this struggle still shape Canadian history. The book looks at the social and economic impact of the war on both men and women in Canadian Iroquois communities. The Canadian Iroquois provides an enhanced appreciation both of the role of Amerindians in the war itself and of their difficult struggle to lead their lives within the unstable geopolitical environment created by European invasion and settlement.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Sash and Saber 28mm FIW

FWF402 French Personalities -- Montcalm, Jumonville, de Levis, de Lignery
These have all been listed on the website. Quite comprehensive. No photos yet but some on the Facebook page

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Monday, 19 August 2019

Raiders from New France teaser

Osprey have released an image from the forthcoming book by Rene Chartrand and Adam Hook.
The illustration depicts a clash between Abenaki warriors and Dragoons in 1707. As the Dragoon riders came up, other hidden warriors opened fire on them from the edge of the trees in what was obviously a deliberately planned ambush. During the five‑hour running fight that followed, the Albany militiamen never succeeded in catching up with the elusive warriors, who eventually vanished – taking some scalps with them, and seemingly suffering no casualties themselves.

Fallen Timbers Battlefield 1794 Trailer

Tomorrow's anniversary is the 225th. Here's the battlefield trailer

Friday, 16 August 2019

Bennington by Don Troiani

'The Brunswick Dragoons at the battle of Bennington Vermont. Lt. Col Baum is ordering his men to draw their broadswords to try to cut their way out. Didn't work and Baum was mortally wounded. Four of the enlisted dragoon swords and one officer's sword still survive . They captured ones were issued to the 2nd Continental Light Dragoons. '
From the forthcoming book on the Saratoga campaign.
Pennington wiki

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Villasur expedition 1720

The Villasur expedition of 1720 was a Spanish military expedition intended to check New France's growing influence on the American Great Plains, led by Lieutenant-General Pedro de Villasur. Pawnee and Otoe Indians attacked the expedition in Nebraska, killing 36 of the 40 Spaniards, 10 of their Indian allies, and a French guide. The survivors retreated to their base in New Mexico

The Pawnee and their French allies surround and defeat the Villasur expedition, painted on buffalo hides.[a]

Fall of Oswego 1756

Today's anniversary - the capitulation.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Raiders from New France Osprey

Raiders from New France

North American Forest Warfare Tactics, 17th–18th Centuries

Elite 229
  • Author: René Chartrand
  • Illustrator: Adam Hook

Though the French and British colonies in North America began on a 'level playing field', French political conservatism and limited investment allowed the British colonies to forge ahead, pushing into territories that the French had explored deeply but failed to exploit. The subsequent survival of 'New France' can largely be attributed to an intelligent doctrine of raiding warfare developed by imaginative French officers through close contact with Indian tribes and Canadian settlers. The ground-breaking new research explored in this study indicates that, far from the ad hoc opportunism these raids seemed to represent, they were in fact the result of a deliberate plan to overcome numerical weakness by exploiting the potential of mixed parties of French soldiers, Canadian backwoodsmen and allied Indian warriors.
Supported by contemporary accounts from period documents and newly explored historical records, this study explores the 'hit-and-run' raids which kept New Englanders tied to a defensive position and ensured the continued existence of the French colonies until their eventual cession in 1763.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Fred Ray

I have a Facebook group Seven Years War Living History and we were talking about Fred Ray who also drew comics for DC.

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...