Sunday, 30 May 2010


Just a few choice bits from the War That Made America so you can get a flavour of the quality. This one starts with the British assault - doomed assault I should say on the abbatis around Carillon.

The War That Made America Part1/1/7

Some kind soul has uploaded all the parts of this excellent and spectacular documentary series about the F&I war so sit back and's part 1 which in part deals with the Jumonville incident. Wiki on the series

Friday, 28 May 2010

Battle of Jumonville Glen

It's a feature of North American warfare that a tiny skirmish can have ramifications around the globe with all manner of ripples emanating from a little splash. Such was the case with this small action that took place today in 1754 that started the Seven Years War.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

The Royal Scots 1812

Well shot film. 'The Upper Thames Military Re-enactment Society is based in London, Ontario Canada. Portraying the 1st Royal Scots Light Company they take part in the re-enactment of "The Battle of the Longwoods each year in May'.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Deadly Lacrosse Game in Mackinac Straits at Fort Michilimackinac in 1763

On a June day in 1763, the commandant of Fort Michilimackinac was invited to watch a game of baggatiway between the Ojibwe and Sauk. Leave it to a Brit to assume it simply would be a polite afternoon on the lawn.

Read the article here

Friday, 14 May 2010

Canada Vignettes - Voyageurs

Animation from Canada on the subject of canoes etc.

New German-language reenactment magazine

Had this from Udo - the man behind a lot of 18th century things in Germany like last year's Minden battle. He says;

Dear friends,

today I write you to present my new germanspeaking Living History
and Re-enactment Magazine:

One part of it will be to portray not only german/austrian and
swiss re-enactment groups and associations etc., but also those
from other countries.

So if you want to present your group you have the possibility to
send me text- and pictures files about your groups I could publish
in one of the next issues.

The contents of these articles is completly in your choice.
Important for me to get is that the picture-files are in a
high resolution and qualtity.

Please send it all to:

"AFAKTOR" will be published quarterly. The first number
will be a free Download-file and starts in June.
The first printed issue will be published in September.

It would be also great if you could send me a calendar of
your events in your countries.

Also it would be nice if you could send me adresses of cultural
institutions (museums, theatres etc.), traders and other things
of special interest for the living history and re-eanctment scene.


Udo BrĂ¼he

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Old Fort Steuben

In Steubenville OH - this Northwest Territory War era fort was built by the First American Regiment - History here
It looks a great fort - I'd love to see someone build something like this in the UK but then I would wouldn't I? Website


I thought it was time to look at this piece of equipment. I have a great woven one that was a gift so I don't know how to make them but this piece at Nativetech might be useful. This page has a fair bit of useful stuff. Reading a bit around the web it seems some people, Anglo types, use leather ones. Not sure but they probably know what they're talking about. Some links on this forum for buying them.

French and Indian War at Cowdray House

See some excellent photos of NF&OE at a woodland skirmish here.
If you live in West Sussex or that area in the UK and you're reading this blog then you might want to pop along to this event.
Website says
Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd May 10.30am to 5pm
New France Old England 18th Century Weekend
Events portrayed will be different on both days.
Battle skirmish each day
Living history camp
Traditional crafts demonstrated
Authentically costumed characters
Cooking in Cowdray’s 18 th century kitchen
Show & Tell of weaponry and uniforms
Drilling of soldiers & firing display
Fun for all the family!
Well-behaved dogs on leads welcome
Bring a picnic
Please be aware that musket firing is very loud – check timings on the day.

Siege at the Blockhouse

Film about a reenactment of the era and person of Daniel Boone and the defence of a Blockhouse.

First American Regiment

Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Used to bug me when I heard Yanks pronounce a gorget (rhymes with courgette) as a 'gorgez' as if it was a French word. No. Hausse-col is the French term. There is a gorgerin in French but that's something else. As far as I know.

Old photos

Been finding a few old photos. This one has me in 95 I think with Mike of the 36th Foot. I am kitted out in my first F&I outfit - it's when we first started reenacting that period - I was to go through many transformations but this was my idea of an officer of Milice. Looking back now I am not embarassed by this look - I was to do worse later on. Mitasses, dark green coat (infringing Ranger copyright as someone joked), gargoussier and I resisted an hausse-col. The bell tent kind of spoils the photo but for that crime we're not guilty.


I really like this photo - I took it in 99 as we set off on the Lake George tactical. The funny thing is I didn't even look behind me - I just put the camera over my shoulder - (I was still too nervous a canoeist to actually twist my body around and I was dressed in a complete lined justaucorps and waistcoat etc) and managed to capture Dubois laughing good naturedly at me. Good Times.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

The British and their Worthy Allies

Interesting cartoon depicting native warriors scalping for reward from the Brits.
William Charles.
"A Scene on the Frontiers as Practiced by the Humane British and Their Worthy Allies!"

Philadelphia: 1812.
Etching with watercolor.
William Charles biography

1812 - the making of a documentary

Short film showing images and so forth from a forthcoming documentary for PBS. Looks good. To be aired October 2011 so don't hold your breath.

Reves des Bisons

If you are in France and like Bison maybe this place might be up your street. Camp in a tepee and hang out with the bovines.
If you live in Russia and fancy getting some Bison meat then watch this video for a new project in Novgorod.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Pontiac's Rebellion

This uprising against the British by an alliance of nations started today in 1763. Wiki here

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

A couple of Chasseurs images

Nothing really much to do with the American theatre but as they're part of the general world of the French army of the colonial period I thought I'd slip 'em in.

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...