Sunday, 30 October 2022

Ticonderoga a legend of the West Highlands

 Here for a spooky story for Halloween from Robert Louis Stevenson and Fort Ticonderoga.

"George Washington" (1984) - Complete George Washington Biographic Mini-Series

 Do you remember this? I liked it though I was quite ignorant of the details it got me interested in the subject. I particularly liked the French and Indian war bits.

With Barry Bostwick, Patty Duke, David Dukes, Jaclyn Smith and a giant cast of familiar 1970s and early 1980s actors. Originally aired as a mini-series -- shown in 3 parts, beginning on April 8th 1984.

Friday, 21 October 2022

Coming soon from Helion

 The author posted on my Facebook group Late 18th century warfare and I thought it would be ok to post on here.

“''The Pattern” follows the 33rd Regiment, arguably the best-trained in the British Army, through its campaigns during the American Revolutionary War.
It aims to give a complete understanding of the 33rd, so it’s not just a regimental history. Opening chapters deal with recruitment, training, weapons, clothing and equipment, as well as the home service 1770-75, where the regiment acquired a reputation for excellence.
There’s also statistical analysis! We look at where the 33rd’s soldiers came from, what jobs they did before enlisting, their age, their height, and how long they served for.
After that there’s a chapter dealing with the events of each year 1776-83. Not just combat either, though there’s loads of that -
diet, disease, discipline and desertion, the role of women, camp life and the experiences of transatlantic voyages are among topics dealt with.
It’s also got;
Over 100,000 words of core text
Over 30 images
Graphs and tables

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Their Bearing is Noble and Proud


If you are interested in the appearance of American Indians of this period this book is worth tracking down. I think there is a volume 2.

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Indian captive; or, A narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Zadock Steele by Steele, Zadock, 1758-1845

 Captured in the Royalton raid.

Royalton Raid 1780

 Today's anniversary. The Royalton raid 1780. The Royalton raid was a British-led Indian raid in 1780 against various towns along the White River Valley in the Vermont Republic, and was part of the American Revolutionary War. It was the last major Indian raid in New England.[1]

Love, Courage and the Battle of Bushy Run - Official Trailer

Thanks to Alan C for this. Brand new.

 “In 1763, Britain won the world-wide Seven Years War causing the French to abandon the American colonies. With the French gone, the Native Americans feared the British would seek revenge. Ottawa Chief Pontiac convinced many tribes to strike first. Some did so willingly, others were forced to fight. Their ultimate target was Fort Pitt. The combatants on both sides deployed unconventional and often brutal strategies and tactics. Colonel Henry Bouquet, with a rag-tag group of British soldiers, Scottish Highlanders and American volunteers, was tasked with trying to save the hundreds of men, women and children facing certain death in Fort Pitt. The little-known Battle of Bushy Run changed the course of world history… This is that story.”

Love, Courage and the Battle of Busy Run - Official Trailer from TRIPLE HORSE on Vimeo.

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Butler's Rangers reenacted by Claus' Rangers

"Rangers in general separate and the nature of their service little requires the forms of parade or the manoeuvres practised in the field. It is the duty (and I am persuaded will be the pleasure) of every Captain to perfect his Company in dispersing and forming expeditiously, priming and loading carefully, and levelling well. These, with personal activity and alertness, are all the qualities that can be expected or wished for in a Ranger.”



British Library. Sloane and Additional Manuscripts, Add MSS 21756, Register of Correspondence with Officers Commanding at Michilmackinac and Niagara, 1777-1782; National Archives of Canada, Haldimand Collection, microfilm reel number A-679

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...