Thursday, 31 December 2009

British arms drill 1764

Emmerich and the Partisan at War

This man is an interesting subject for those of us interested in partisan tactics, light infantry and ranging and so forth as he wrote a treatise on the subject after his service as a Loyalist in the Revolution. The great Loyal American Regiment site has some useful information and a pdf of this work. Also some useful info here. You have to admire a man who was born in 1739, fought in the Revwar and was executed for leading a partisan band against Napoleon in 1809.

Battle of Quebec

Today this battle was fought in 1775. This painting by John Trumbull from 1786 has some interesting figures in the foreground. Looks like they are wearing a Canadian style cap that is seen on some illustrations of the period. Watch movie on American Invasion of 1775.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Valley Forge cabin

Tomorrow marks the anniversary of Washington's army moving to Valley Forge. This is what they might have lived in. Cosy enough for winter weather?
Photos are replicas of cabins at Valley Forge

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Boston Tea Party - Johnny Tremain

Today is the anniversary of the BTP as it is now known so here's an amusing little clip of a slice of Americana. Personally I like tea and found that Americans drink way too much coffee for their own good but that's just my opinion.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Battle on Snowshoes reenactment

Over here in the UK it's wet and muddy but I think there's some snow in North America at the moment so that's an excuse to post the first part of three videos depicting this famous battle fought with Robert Rogers against a mixed force of regulars, milice and Natives. I think they reenact it every year around the environs of Fort Ticonderoga.

Saturday, 5 December 2009


This man who died on this day in 1749 had an interesting career in that he started his military life in the Carignan-Salieres regiment and eventually fought on both the American continent and in Europe during the War of Spanish Succession being injured in the battle of Malplaquet in 1709. He returned to Canada and had many more adventures as an explorer and fur trader. His life would make a great series of stories - maybe call it the Boumois novels?

Henry Knox

Today in 1775 Henry Knox started his epic transporting of cannons and mortars from Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point to Boston.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Fort Necessity Musket Test

An interesting experiment to demonstrate the defensive value of the timber stockade against musket balls.

Fort Duquesne

Today in 1758 this French fort surrendered to the British so I thought I'd feature a couple of top-class reconstructions to inspire you. The digital rendering is Gary Ritchie's 3D model for a project on Frontier forts.

The next one is professional modeller Ray Ottulich's model for Tabletop Studios

Also see here for a plan of the fort.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Fort William Henry 1757 (LotM)

Believe it or not we haven't had any of the Michael Mann Last of the Mohicans movie yet on this blog, figured you've all seen it... but this clip made me change my mind. It features some of the good and deleted scenes to tell the story of the siege - even if you've seen 'Lotm' many times you might enjoy this

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Battle of Wildcat Creek 1812

This battle - also known as Spur's Defeat was fought this day and resulted in a victory for Native forces against the Indiana Rangers.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

1776 or the Hessian Renegades (1910)

Film by D W Griffiths and featuring Mary Pickford.

Blue Moon Manufacturing

Thanks to Ray on the Mocassins list for noticing this interesting range of 28mm French and Indian War miniatures. Called Drums in the Ohio Valley the range looks useful indeed.

These French Marines are part of a Braddock's defeat theme which are part of the range.

Friday, 20 November 2009


Interesting little movie from German tv in 1976 - see what you think.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Historic Prophetstown War of 1812

Interesting little film about a reenactment weekend held recently. Noticed one is an Indiana Mounted Ranger. Read about the Rangers in the War of 1812 on this blog.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Von Reck drawings 1736

This was mentioned on the Nativelist and I thought you might be interested. Look here

"In 1736, Philip Georg Friedrich von Reck, then only twentyfive years old, sailed with other colonists from Germany to Georgia. One of his intentions, expressed in a letter before he left Europe, was to bring back from America "ocular proof" of what he called "this strange new world." Idealistic nad enthusiastic, welleducated and blessed with an amazing artistic gift, von Reck kept a travel diary, wrote separate descriptions of the plants, animals and Indians he discovered in Georgia and drew some fifty watercolor and pencil sketches of what he saw. [...]

These drawings, accompanied by von Reck's writings, are important as history, science and art. As history, they give us a new and absolutely unique glimpse of Georgia as it looked when the first Europeans settled there. [...] As science, von Reck's natural history drawings represent the earliest records of several plants and animals. [...] Von Reck's drawings and writings are especially important for the light they shed on Indian life. The drawings show in detail their costumes and equipment, houses and activities. [...] As art, von Reck's drawings are as fresh, intimate and alive on the paper as the day they were drawn."

Also check this drawing out here

Saturday, 14 November 2009

New novel about Joseph Brant

Manituana is the name - by Wu Ming which is I think a group of Italians - and according to the website the background is
In 1775, at the dawn of the revolution that gave birth to the United States of America, British loyalists and rebels compete for an alliance with the Six Nations of the Iroquois. The Iroquois, the most powerful indigenous tribal group in the Mohawk River Valley, with a constitution hundreds of years old, have coexisted with the colonists for generations. Now they must make a painful decision that gravely endangers the future of their mixed community. Together, English and Indian representatives of that community undertake a long voyage to London, capital of the British Empire, knowing that the road back will be paved with war
There's a review from the Guardian here
Video trailer to the Italian edition here

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Tun Tavern

Today in 1775 the US Marine Corps was formed with recruitment centring on this historic tavern in Philadelphia. This tavern was the starting place for many organisations - the Pennsylvania Militia was raised from here in the Seven Years War and the first Masonic meeting took place here. It burnt to the ground in 1781.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Rick and the War of 1812

CBC reporter Rick Mercer tries out life as a War of 1812 reenactor. Interesting insight. With the bicentennial of the War approaching this period needs a higher profile.

Battle of Tippecanoe

Fought today in 1811. Wiki article. Below is an interesting visit to the site and a perspective on events.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

News From Galloping Major
The first 3 packs of Huron will be accompanied by our first pack of rangers when they are released very soon.
Leading French language wargames publication VaeVictis features a 3 page interview article on us in the No.89 November 2009 edition, with lots of hitherto unseen pictures of yet to be released figures. The first two pages can be viewed under "Interview" on:

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

War of 1812 in 40mm

This page of photos is great. A mixture of manufacturers create an interesting set up. Well done.

Saturday, 31 October 2009

Mississinewa War of 1812 battle re-enactment - 2009

This is a well-made film of this year's event. The blurb says it all
Mississinewa 1812 is the largest War of 1812 re-enactment of its kind. The battlefield is about 6 miles north of Marion, Indiana. It is the site of the first American victory in the war. This re-enactment is accurate to the time period, but they tell you up-front that it is not accurate to the battle itself, as no British were present at the battle, but Indians who were British allies

Ray Mears Northern Wilderness Hudson Bay

If you live in the UK you might want to see this programme on canoes and the Hudson Bay company. If you miss it you may find it on the i-player.
Tomorrow, 20:00 on BBC Two (except Northern Ireland (Analogue), Wales (Analogue))
Ray Mears goes on an epic adventure into Canada's unforgiving, yet stunning wilderness.
As Ray travels across land and by canoe, he tells the story of one of the greatest companies the world has ever known - the Hudson's Bay Company that opened up Canada.
Ray discovers how those early traders were pioneers who laid the foundations of the modern Canadian state. He also demonstrates local crafts and bushcraft skills that bring the landscape to life.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Battle of the Chateaugay 1813

A battle fought today when mostly French Canadians and Mohawks beat an American invasion force. Wiki here
More on the War of 1812 website, More here.
Image of a Mohawk warrior 1813 here,

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Strange burial of 'Mad' Anthony Wayne in 1809

A commemoration takes place this weekend to mark the bicentennial of the strange burial and exhumation of this legendary Indian fighter. News article here

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Forgotten War: The Struggle for North America (trailer)

This is a documentary produced by Mountain Lake amd commemorates the French and Indian War by telling these powerful stories through this documentary: * Story of Robert Rogers and his rangers * Abenaki and Iroquois nations * The massacre at Fort William Henry * Battles of Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point * Tragic expulsion of the Acadians * Fall of Quebec and Montreal * Brutal destruction of the Abenakis at Saint Francis by Rogers Rangers * Iroquois diplomacy of Sir William Johnson that helped turn the war

Forgotten War: The Struggles for North America will have its broadcast premiere on November 16, 2009 at 9:00 p.m. on Mountain Lake PBS.

Brant's Volunteers (Oquaga)

Interesting Loyalist unit based around the men who fought alongside Joseph Brant's Iroquois in the American Revolution. It looks like they took part in the recent Newtown reenactment as featured on this page. Website here.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Some new 28mm Huron command figures are about to be released at Galloping Major wargames. There are also some new painted Mohawks, some Huron 'Greys' and an updated Link list and much more on the webpage.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Raid at Martin's Station

Interesting film of a reenactment at this fort in the Cumberland gap region - the attackers are Cherokee reenactors. You might want to turn the music down on it though.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Battle of Quiberon Bay

Talking of 250ths I wonder if anyone has anything planned to celebrate Quiberon Bay in November - a naval victory for the British that scotched French invasion plans and was a major turning of the tide? to quote the wiki

The power of the French fleet was broken, and would not recover before the war was over; in the words of Alfred Thayer Mahan (The Influence of Sea Power upon History), "The battle of 20 November 1759 was the Trafalgar of this war, and [...] the English fleets were now free to act against the colonies of France, and later of Spain, on a grander scale than ever before". For instance, the French could not follow up their victory at the Battle of Sainte-Foy in 1760 for want of reinforcements and supplies from France and so Quiberon Bay may be regarded as the battle that determined the fate of New France and hence Canada.

Museum of the battle of Cardinaux as its called in France

Fort Ligonier Days Battle Reenactment - October 11, 2009

Well shot sequence of the recent F&I event in the Laurel Highlands in Pennsylvania - worth watching till the end to see the Brits up close. I got recently invited (on the French side of course) to take part in two of the big European 250th anniversary Seven Years War battles coming up next year and the year after...Warburg and Vellinghausen - it would be great to get some Americans over for one of these battles - I could imagine those guys in the bearskins would look good on a European theatre battlefield - if they got them through customs!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Battle of Valcour Island

Today is the anniversary of this action in the American Revolution that took place on Lake Champlain between naval vessels. This image is of the Philadelphia which was raised in 1935. Wiki article on the battle.
Image of Arnold's fleet.

Friday, 9 October 2009


Interesting image from 1778 showing a Manchester lad encouraged to join the army.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Eastern Woodland Sutlers

One of you was asking about this subject - I don't have much experience of using sutlers but these might be worth looking at
Blue Heron Mercantile
At the Eastern Door

Though I've never seen it and have no idea whether it's any good or not I noticed on the Smoke and Fire website
Stock #:VID-045
Warriors Path DVD3-DVD Set includes: Step by step instruction on how to portray an Eastern Woodland Indian including segments of dress, paint, weapons, trade silver, constructing moccasins, & other clothing. Also includes tips on research and sutlers for all native re-enactors. This series is designed to explore the material culture of the Eastern Woodland Indians.Price: $44.00

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has seen it.

Rogers Island 2009 Reenactment

Well put together film of the recent reenactment of the French and Indian war at Rogers Island.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

French and Indian war at Terezin fortress

Images here of an excellent Czech F&I reenactment held last weekend at Terezin fortress. It seems that the Seven Years War is a growing period over there and one of them reads this blog - that's how I know about it - so thanks. Possibly with German and French F&I reenactors there is the potential for some really awesome events in Continental Europe.

Bushy Run reenactment footage

Quite a pleasing film shot from the crowd line of this battle fought between Natives and Redcoats in 1763. It shows that it makes a much better spectacle to have F&I reenactments take place in woodland - it looks more realistic than on some well manicured lawn.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Capture of Manila 1762

Today is the anniversary of the capture of Manila by Sir William Draper - pictured here by Gainsborough. He raised the 79th foot and was also instrumental in establishing the leg before wicket rule in cricket! Buried in Bath Abbey. Maybe I'll go and pay my respects at his memorial.

Friday, 2 October 2009

A couple more images by Benjamin West

Depicting events around the time of Pontiac - one of returned captives and the other of an Indian oration to Bouquet.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Ranger 'greens' from Galloping Major


We set out with our 28mm French & Indian War range to create the sort of range we'd have loved to be able to buy: well researched with attention to correct period detail and feel, no "generic muskets", and no "generic Indians". I sculpt our own figures, and as Ralphus mentioned, he and I share an early influence in the work of Ron Embleton. Here’s another of RE's wonderful illustrations from Look & Learn.
We’ll have our first three packs of Huron available in the next few weeks, to be followed by our first couple (at least) of packs of rangers. Our first two Ranger packs will be a pack of Rangers in caps, and one in Scots bonnets, enabling better control of the mix to represent the unit(s) you wish to recreate.
Any Francophones among us may be interested to take a look at the next issue of Vae Victis, which will carry an interview article on Galloping Major, and reviews of some of our figures. And if, like me, your French is more than a little rusty, it’s always worth a look; a really classy publication, which we’re pleased to be associated with. New pics of greens on our website: have been a bit restricted lately as we don’t want to pre-empt the VV article, but here are a couple of ranger greens to be going on with. Concept art for some of our first rangers is on the website.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

From Matchlock to Doglock blog

This great blog has some stuff that will be interesting to readers of this one - that is some more Ronald Embleton Rogers Rangers pictures and much more F&I nostalgia. Read it here

23rd Foot Light Company

While on the subject of light infantry caps I thought I'd post a pic of me when I was in this excellent British Revwar group. I am the one levelling the musket - the location is the Ulster American Folkpark - photo Rosemary Jones. More photos of their various events on their gallery page here.

Classical revival

I'm not an art historian but that doesn't stop me having theories. When we think of light infantry caps of the age of reason we tend to think of them as being primarily practical but I think there's another reason for their appearance in the American Revolution and that is the classical revival. So many of the distinctive caps of light infantry and dragoons seem to be based on ideas of Greek and Roman designs it could be an echo of what was going on in architecture. The legion as a concept was pretty popular in the Revwar also echoing the classical models of military excellence. This image from Warley Camp in 1770s shows some of the fanciful headgear worn by British light troops - a long way from an item of practicality.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Warrior hunting

By Captain Thomas Davies.


I thought I'd better post a link to this excellent forum where I usually lurk.
It's described thus:
Native List is a semi-private Yahoo! Group and email list for people involved in living history who portray 17th-early 19th Century Native Americans, mostly of the Eastern Woodlands' cultural groups during the 18th century. The primary focus of the list has traditionally been the Eastern portion of North America in the 18th Century. The scope also includes people who portray Indian Agents, Traders, or members of recreated military units that supported native operations, but not Indian Fighters. Discussion topics for the list center around the lifeways, outward appearance and re-creation of the material culture of Native Americans during this time period. Discussions are meant to improve the visible portrayal of natives of the time period within the context of Living History activities, so discussion of these activities is also considered on topic. While historically religion and politics were tied closely with native daily life, this list is neither a political action list nor a place to discuss religion.

Henry Hamilton's drawings of natives

This was on the Nativelist forum - it's some fascinating images of various personalities from the era of the Vincennes campaign. Go here for these amazing images and their description.
Journal and biography of Hamilton here

Prices of Goods 1703

Supplyed to the Eastern Indians.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Death of Major Peirson

By John Singleton Copley

'This painting depicts the French siege of the island of Jersey. On the night of January 5, 1781, a small army of French soldiers landed on the island and initiated the battle. Major Pierson was shot by a French sniper, who was in turn shot by Pierson's servant, Pompey.'

The battle is technically the last one fought on British soil coming after Culloden.

Battle of Flamborough Head

Today this naval action in the American Revolution was fought off the Yorkshire coast. It seems pretty strange really - a sea battle of the English coast but there you go. Wiki here

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

British camp c1780

Bowles and Carver illustration. Fascinating picture presumably somewhere in England.
I'm off for a while - to cure my compulsion for blogging I am taking the cure somewhere. See ya soon.

British Officers

Of course I know very little about the type of person who was an officer in the British army but it's a good excuse to post these pics from 1761 and 1775 that have been knocking around on my desktop for a few weeks.

Revolution (1985)

Talking of hunting calls reminds me of the character played by Richard O'Brien, an officer of the 17th Light Dragoons in Hugh Hudson's epic flop Revolution (1985). It was totally believable, a bit over the top and one of the best performances in this somewhat patchy film.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Thomas Knowlton

The battle of Harlem Heights is also famous for the death of Thomas Knowlton. His unit, Knowlton's Rangers were an intelligence gathering force - effectively the first in the Americas. Article on spying in the Revolution.

Harlem Heights

Fought this day in 1776. The Americans were in retreat when (and I quote the wikipedia entry)

British troops made a tactical error by having their bugler sound a fox hunting call, "gone away," while in pursuit. This was intended to insult Washington, himself a keen fox hunter, having learned the sport from Lord Fairfax during the French and Indian War. "Gone away" means a fox is in full flight from the hounds on its trail. The Continentals, who were in orderly retreat, were infuriated by this and galvanized to hold their ground. After flanking the British attackers, the Americans slowly pushed the British back. After the British fled, Washington had his troops end the chase. The battle went a long way to restoring the confidence of the Continental Army after suffering several defeats. It was Washington's first battlefield victory of the war.

42nd Highlander officer 1776 by G Embleton here

My Christmas card for this year sorted!

How about this for a festive greeting?
Well I like it...

Wolfe 250th at Westerham

Photos and a write-up at Fraxinus' blog of last weekend's event and reenactment celebrating the Death of Wolfe. Some great photos and insights into the days' activities. Fraxinus is looking for a Wolfe figure in 28mm - there must be loads of manufacturers that do him - anyone out there know of any?

Battle of Signal Hill 1762

This battle - the last of the French and Indian war, was fought today in 1762. This image shows the French attack on St John's Newfoundland that precipitated it. More here
According to the account 'Recollections of an old soldier' David Perry this interesting thing happened;
While a squad of regulars sat eating their breakfast in a tent, a cannon ball passed through it, and killed one man instantly; and another by the name of David Foster, belonging to Capt. Cain's company, was struck on the temple bone by a grape shot, which passed under his forehead, rolled his eyes out, and left a little piece of the lower part of his nose standing; and what I thought was very remarkable, he lived to get home -- but how much longer I do not know for a certainty; though, about ten years ago, I was credibly informed that he was [then] living in the State of Massachusetts.

'Americaner Soldat'

This is a fascinating picture. I don't really know anything about it - probably someone has debunked it somewhere as not authentic but from what I know it was engraved by M Will of Augsburg based on a drawing of a 'Bayreitischen' Officer in the English service and is from 1778 or before. There is also a side view apparently that shows the mitre to have a rear panel as well.
If anyone knows the whereabouts of that image or anything about this figure give me a shout. I don't really know much about American Militiamen's clothing during this period but this figure interests me.
Hunting shirts in the Revolution
These are generally thought to not to have existed in this form in the French and Indian war period.
If you want to read some period accounts and mentions of hunting shirts then check this site out. Also other subjects such as leggings and beards are covered here.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Mike Roarke's First Frontier Series

In most British public libraries they have a Western fiction section. Not sure who reads them but they usually have lots of paperbacks with names like 'Gunfight at the Lazy X' or something like that but occasionally you happen across something interesting and that's how I discovered these fictional novels set during the timespan of this blog - so I will list them all so if you have a hankerin' for some good ol' paperback fun you can get them from some online bookseller for next to nothing. I can't say I would recommend them as I've only read one - the second in the series and it was OK but I'm not really a fiction fan so I can't be that critical so don't blame me if you find them rubbish or anything like that. I'm guessing they were popular as they wouldn't have made such a long series but there you go - you pays yer money you take your choice. Anyway this what I can find about them on the web.
Thunder In The East by Mike Roarke
'In the 1750s, the Iroquois Confederation stands astride the Mohawk river - England's only gateway from the Atlantic to the North American continent. Only a few could see that European pressure and disunity were threatening the country, one such was the famed hunter/trader Sam Watley.'
Shadows On The Longhouse (first Frontier 2) by Mike Roarke
'In 1776 the white man's war for independence exploded on the Indians' ancient land. But for trapper Sam Watley and his son, the war is not theirs - until Sam is betrayed by a British colonel. Striking back, they are plunged into a struggle that hurtles all races towards a new future. '
Silent Drums (1763-1765)/Pontiac's Rebellion
Blood River: The War for the Northwest Territory (First frontier series 4)

David Cusick

Tuscarora artist and author. Served in the War of 1812 - his father fought in the Revolutionary war. Wiki here
Founded the Iroquois realist watercolour genre. This image is of the creation story of the Iroquois League.
Read David Cusick's 1827 booklet 'Ancient History of the Six Nations' here.

Armies in Plastic 1/32 French and Indian War

I have to admit that I was pretty stunned by these new figures - not only are they in good poses but they also look (and I haven't seen these in the flesh) pretty historically accurate. This is because the figure designers are already well versed in the F&I war - both John Jenkins who designed the Indians and Rangers and Frontline who did the French are well placed to produce top quality sculpts in this scale. Most useful to modellers and wargamers in my opinion will be the two sets of Woodland Indians. These are going to be popular with American Revolution and War of 1812 gamers as well as those with pioneer forts. The French figures look good and not too afflicted with the crazy action poses that a lot of plastic figures suffer from. The Rangers appear interesting and I should imagine will be able to represent various other light types and with a bit of work will convert to all sorts of things.

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...